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Quick Transitioning With Three Teams

This soccer drill simulates quick transition phases in both directions. The small field increases the necessity to defend and simultaneously provides the opportunity to attack.

Soccer Transition DrillOrganization: One team attacks. If a loss of the ball occurs, the specific team must leave the field and the waiting team around the field reenters and defends. If one team scores, they remain in ball possession. The team, which scores 10 goals first, wins the competition.

Coaching: The team gaining ball possession switches into counterattacking, while the reentering team tries to create quick pressure on the ball carrier.

Variation: The team gaining ball possession must at first perform two successful passes to be allowed to finish on the goal. The team gaining possession must at first pass back towards the goalkeeper. Both actions extend the moment of transitioning and simplify the defending by simultaneously increasing the level of difficulty for the attacking team.

More creative soccer drills

CREATIVE DRILLS & COMPETITIONSAll soccer drills presented are from Steven Tureks and Jonas Stephan eBook “CREATIVE DRILLS & COMPETITIONS“. Based on 30 drills for a 4 vs 4, Steven Turek reveals and demonstrates creative ideas. Some echo a reduced 11 vs 11, some vary the level of difficulty and some present attractive competitions and contests.!
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