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Youth Soccer (3): Playing and Practicing with Eight to Twelve-Year-Olds

Youth Soccer – eVideos:

Modern Youth Training Part 3

Youth soccer: Playing and Practicing with Eight to Twelve-Year-Olds

Languages: English
Duration: about 94 minutes
Authors: Ralf Peter, Gerd Bode

Youth Soccer (3): Playing and Practicing with Eight to Twelve-Year-Olds
Youth Soccer (3): Playing and Practicing with Eight to Twelve-Year-Olds

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Building blocks for training sessions
– General movement training
– Soccer oriented movement training
– Soccer specific technique training

Learning basic techniques for youth soccer
– Dribbling, faking, passing and receiving, shooting and heading

Dribbling games

– Exercises to improve dribbling skill
– Changing directions while dribbling
– Slalom dribbling and shooting
– Creating a session on dribbling

Tips on organizing a youth soccer session

– Using a single setup for multiple exercises
– Line exercises and rotations
– Competitions for two teams playing simultaneously
– Station training
– Simple soccer games in a 3 v 3 setting

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