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Youth Soccer (2) – Playing and Practicing with Six to Eight-Year-Olds

Youth Soccer (2) – Modern Youth Training

Playing and Practicing with Six to Eight-Year-Olds

Languages: English
Duration: about 104 minutes
Authors: Ralf Peter, Gerd Bode

Youth Soccer (2) – Playing and Practicing with Six to Eight-Year-Olds
Youth Soccer (2) – Playing and Practicing with Six to Eight-Year-Olds

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Building Blocks for training sessions
– General movement training
– Soccer-oriented movement training
– Soccer specific technique training

Indoor and Outdoor Sessions
– Free play/welcome/solo exercises with the ball
– Exercises for better dribbling
– Partner exercises and competitions
– Motivational game: Fish and the fisherman
– Ball gymnastics
– Movement exercises with the ball
– Simple soccer games

Key concepts 
– Tag games
– Dribbling
– Faking
– Passing
– Shooting

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Marco Knoop
Marco Knoop