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Soccer Training DVD: Playing and Practicing with 8 to 12-Year-Olds

Soccer Training DVD – eVideos


Author: Gerd Bode and Ralf Peter
Language: English
Length: 94 minutes
Size: 4:3 – PAL
Price: 29.00 €

See eVideo here

Index: Building blocks for play sessions

  • General movement training
  • Soccer-oriented movement training
  • Soccer-specific technique training
  • Playing soccer

Learning basic techniques

Learning to dribble

  • Dribbling games
  • Exercises to improve dribbling skill
  • Changing directions while dribbling
  • Slalom dribbling and shooting
  • Creating a session on dribbling

Learning to fake

  • Learning a fake step by step
  • Using fakes in 1 v. 1 play
  • Creating a session on faking

Learning to shoot

Soccer Training DVD – eVideos

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