The Soccer DVD The Creative Dribbler shows Ball Control, Dribbling and Feinting
Video 1: Dribbling and Feinting
Video 2: Playing with an Opponent at Your Back
Length: about 110 minutes
Price:39,90 EUR
Order DVD in Soccer Webshop!
The Creativ Dribbler (Part 1) – Soccer Training in Large Groups
Duration: 60 minutes
Author: Peter Schreiner
SOCCER Perfect Ball Mastery – Dribbling Tricks – Soccer Training in Large Groups and warm-ups.
A methodical, step by step program from an actual coaching session which teaches and consolidates the following skills:
– Dribbling
– Change of Direction
– Turning with the Ball
– Fakes for different situations through dozens of creative drills.
The Creativ Dribbler (Part 2) – Opponent at your back
Duration: 50 minutes
Author: Peter Schreiner
How to coach feints for soccer players with an opponent at their back?
Systematic, clear, and understandable exercises to develop creative offensive technique are shown with specific emphasis on receiveing the ball with your back to your opponent or your back ot the goal.
These DVDs are available as eVideos
More Information:
The Creativ Dribbler (Part 1) – Soccer Training in Large Groups

These DVDs are available as eVideos