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DVD: Coaching Game Intelligence in Youth Football 1-2

DVD Game IntelligenceIn football/Soccer an ounce of intelligence is worth more than a pound of muscles.

This DVD “Coaching Game Intelligence in Soccer” contains two videos and covers in different topics one of the most important aspects in the game of football, the game intelligence.

Order the DVDs and eVideos here.

Video 1:

  1. What does Game Intelligence mean in Football?
  2. Preparatory and Corrective Games in Mini-Football
  3. Mini-Football 3 v 3
  4. Mini-Football 3 v 2
  5. Mini-Football 3 v 1
  6. Mini-Football Variations

Video 2:

  • Testing an Individual’s Playing Capacity
  • Mini-Football Pentathlon
  • Planning and Strukburing a Football Season with Mini-Football Competitions
  • Taking Mini-Football Further Toward 7-a-side Football

Order the DVDs and eVideos here.

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