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Soccer Drills: 4 Men One-Touch Passing Drill

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Soccer Drills 019: 4 Men One-Touch Passing Drill 1
Soccer Drills 019: 4 Men One-Touch Passing Drill 1

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This soccer passing drill helps to develop the one-touch passing technique and practise different passes. The passing exercise also focuses on soccer vision and the ability to create passing channels.


Players and equipment are arranged as shown. Players stay in their positions along the soccer drill. They change for the coach’s sign. This passing exercise is performed in both directions. Distances must be adequate to the age group.


This soccer passing drill begins from one of the players standing next to the sticks on the side. The passing drill is performed with one ball.

Soccer Drills 019: 4 Men One-Touch Passing Drill 2
Soccer Drills 019: 4 Men One-Touch Passing Drill 2

P1 starts the soccer passing drill by passing the ball to P2, who makes a wall pass with P1 and plays the ball to the sideway moving P3. P3 lays it off to the arriving P1, who makes a sharp, deep pass to P4. He makes a wall pass with P3, then plays the ball to the sideway moving P1. P1 lays the ball off to P3, who makes a sharp, low pass to P1. Then the soccer passing exercise continues.

Coaching Points

  • Quality of passing is imperative
  • Accuracy and weight of the passes is vital
  • Vary the technique of the passes
  • Heads up before passing; Vision
  • Keep the ball on the ground
  • Use both feet to pass
  • Take care of extra balls

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Soccer Passing Drill Set Up
Soccer Passing Drill Set Up

Soccer Passing Drill 1: In this variation players in the middle practise receiving skills and wall passing with the outside players.
Soccer Passing Drill 1: In this variation players in the middle practise receiving skills and wall passing with the outside players.

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Soccer Passing Drill 2: In this variation players practise one touch passing and wall passing.
Soccer Passing Drill 2: In this variation players practise one touch passing and wall passing.

Coaching Points

  • Quality of passes is imperative
  • Accuracy and weight of the passes are vital
  • Vary the technique of passes
  • Vary the technique of receivings
  • Heads up before passing and receiving, vision
  • Keep the ball on the ground
  • Use both feet to pass and receive the ball
  • Take care of extra balls
  • Perform the exercise to both directions
  • When ball is out restart the play calmly

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