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Soccer Coach – Soccer Tactics (10) – Midfield-Pressing

Soccer Tactics: Zonal Defending 10 – Midfield-pressing

Soccer Tactics: Anti-Pressing-Ball
Soccer Tactics: Anti-Pressing-Ball


Author: Ralf Peter:
Duration: approx. 39 Minuten
Slices: 36

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Preview to Online Seminar 10 – Midfield Pressing:

Main Topics

  1. Midfield-pressing – the most common approach
  2. Midfield-pressing in a 4-4-2 System of Play with flat four
  3. Midfield-pressing – Zone and organization
  4. Responsibilities of Forwards:
    – after goalkeeper initiates the attack
    – Force opponents to play wide
    – Showing inside
    – Starting position for pressing
    – Active doubling-up – Possible scenarios
    – Showing opposing Fullback inside
  5. Doubling-up in central areas – Analysis
  6. Midfield-pressing – The 10 Errors
  7. Midfield-pressing – Analysis: Showing outside
  8. Doubling-up against the wide player
  9. Dropping on a long ball
  10. Escaping the pressing – Do not chase the ball
  11. Good midfield-pressing forces opponents to play long balls
  12. Anti-pressing-ball

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