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Soccer Coach Ralf Peter Clinician at the NSCAA Convention in Indianapolis

Ralf Peter (DFB Soccer Coach ) Clinician at the NSCAA Convention in Indianapolis:

Soccer Coach - NSCAA Clinicians Indianapolis 2013
Soccer Coach – NSCAA Clinicians Indianapolis 2013
Ralf Peter Clinician at the NSCAA Convention 2013
Soccer Coach (DFB) Ralf Peter Clinician at the NSCAA Convention 2013


Ralf Peter will have a field and a lecture session at the NSCAA Congress 2013 in Indianapolis.

Field Session:

“Winning the Ball with Organized Midfield Pressing”

Time: 4:00 – 5:00
Room: Exhibit Hall B
Date: Fri 1/18

More Information for Soccer Coaches

Lecture Session:

“Winning the Ball Strategies – Analysis and Comparison”

Time: 3:45 – 4:45
Room: Wabash 1-2
Date: Sat 1/19

Zonal Defending in Soccer – Midfield Pressing – Pressing low – Pressing high

Pressing in Soccer – How to practice and master it!

Zonal Defending 9

You are a soccer coach and searching information about tactics?

Author: Ralf Peter:
Duration: approx. 48 minutes

Ralf Peter is:
– the former DFB soccer coach of the U17 and U16 national team Germany,
– speaker and presenter at numerous conferences trainer,
– author of many books and DVDs and about 110 articles in the journal “soccer practice” on various topics,
– presenter at the International Trainer Congress (ITK) of the German Soccer Coaches Association BDFL,
– presenter at U.S. Congresses u.a. NSCAA.

In his online seminar “Zonal Defending 9” he will provide information about these tipics:

  1. Strategies to win the ball
    (Analysis and Comparison)
  2. Own system of play and its characteristics
  3. Analyzing opponent‘s system of play
  4. Pressing und types of pressing
  5. Attackers defending

Topics of this online seminar:

  1. Basic rule: When losing possession, all players should be working on winning the ball back!
  2. Defending strategy depends on, own system of play, coaching philosophy and types of players!
  3. 4-4-2 System of Play with midfield line (flat four)
  4. 4-4-2 with midfield diamond
  5. 4-2-3-1 System of Play
  6. 4-3-3 and Variation of 4-3-3
  7. Key coaching points for pressing
  8. Systems of play with two Centre Forwards
  9. Systems of play with one Centre Forward
  10. Approach run/forechecking – Closing down – Channeling.
  11. Showing inside or outside?
  12. Errors of showing inside

Ralf Peter shows 2 Training sessions how to coach pressing.

Zonal Defending in Soccer – Midfield Pressing – Pressing low – Pressing high

Pressing in Soccer – How to practice and master it!

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