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NEW Edition: eBook Creative Drills & Competitions

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Author: Steven Turek, Jonas Stephan – Pages: 45 – Graphics: 35

Based on 30 drills for a 4 vs 4, Steven Turek reveals and demonstrates creative ideas. Some echo a reduced 11 vs 11, some vary the level of difficulty and some present attractive competitions and contests.

Controlling, coaching and varying exercises and drills – arts and crafts at the same time. A small change in the rules, the implementation of a variation and the previous drill is completely different, with a different emphasis on priorities and a different art to play. One of the reasons to write this eBook is to practically represent the technical part of different control elements. Based on 30 drills for a 4 vs 4, we reveal and demonstrate creative ideas. Some echo a reduced 11 vs 11, some vary the level of difficulty and some present attractive competitions and contests.

This eBook will provide you many suggestions and inspiration for your own training routine:

  • 10 drills for all phases of the game
    (ball possession, transition phase, ball possession of the opponent)
  • 10 drills to vary the level of difficulty
  • 10 attractive competitions – score goals and withstand pressure

Many soccer coaches link the 4 vs 4 to child- and youth soccer.

  • Many touches of the ball
  • Clear situations
  • And many senses of achievement due to a close distance towards the goal. These are only a few advantages (on the following pages you will find many other ones).

Many coaches link the drill 4 vs 4 to youth soccer. A clear situation, a close distance towards the goal and many ball touches are only a few advantages (on the following pages you will find many other ones). However, all ideas presented in this book can be transferred to greater exercises up to an 11 vs 11. Further, it is also possible to combine different ideas into other contexts and apply them on other exercises, so that a variety of training ideas and possibilities to control exercises is created. Thus, you can close tactical exercises up with an attractive competition or specifically increase the intensity and the level of difficulty by adding certain rules. Therefore, all presented drills and exercises can be executed in every age group and performed with all players of different levels.

Presumed basic principles help you to include all the ten drills of every chapter into your own training routine and coach them. Little cues and remarks support you in finding other variations, understanding the game context even better or recognize and implement possible detailed coaching’s.


eBook Creative Drills & Competitions (1)
eBook Creative Drills & Competitions (1)

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eBook Creative Drills & Competitions (2)
eBook Creative Drills & Competitions (2)
eBook Creative Drills & Competitions (3)
eBook Creative Drills & Competitions (3)

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