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Chilean Football Association invites Peter Schreiner to a series of seminars

Invited from the Chilean Football Federation, national coach, Reinaldo Rueda and the INAF, Peter Schreiner held a seminar series in Santiago de Chile, Concepcion and Antofagasta. From each club in the region, three coaches were allowed to attend the seminar.

The topic of the bilingual theory and two practical units was: Attacking football with the emphasis on: playing between the lines and behind the defense with interface balls, playing over the third man and through pasing, as well as the correct behavior on the offside line.

Both the theory and the practice were perfectly translated by the Berlin-based Chilean sports psychologist and coach Pavel Koppmann. Feedback from Chilean Football Association instructors and coaches was very positive. Both the theory concept as well as the practical demonstrations with dedicated coaching inspired the seminar participants.

Peter Schreiner stellt sein Konzept vor
Peter Schreiner introduces his concept of offensive strategies

A great honor was the participation of the president of the Chilean Football Association Arturo Salah and the chilean national coach, Reinaldo Rueda.

Inauguration of the seminar in Santiago de Chile by representatives of the INAF and its rector Martin Mihovilovic Contrearas (photo right next to national coach Chiles)

In Antofagasta there was a press conference after the seminar, because Reinaldo Rueda had announced that day the team for the match of the national team against Peru. In this context, Peter Schreiner was asked about the objectives of the seminar series and experiences in Chile.

Interview nach dem Seminar in Antofagasta, perfekt übersetzt durch den in Berlin lebenden chilenischen Sportpsychologen und Trainer Pavel Koppmann.
Interview after the seminar in Antofagasta, perfectly translated by the Chilean sports psychologist and coach Pavel Koppmann living in Berlin.
Reinaldo Rueda bei der Pressekonferenz nach dem Seminar in Antofagasta.
Reinaldo Rueda at the press conference after the seminar in Antofagasta.
Aturo Salah überreicht Peter Schreiner ein wertvolles Geschenk des chilenischen Fußballverbandes
Arturo Salah delivers Peter Schreiner a valuable gift from the Chilean Football Association
Peter Schreiner mit Reinaldo Rueda und zwei Organisationsmitarbeiterinnen der INAF.
Peter Schreiner with Reinaldo Rueda and two INAF team members.
Reinaldo Rueda beantworte Fragen nach seinem Vortrag
Reinaldo Rueda answers questions after his presentation
Alle Teilnehmer erhielten nach den Seminaren ein Zertifikat, sowie ein Erinnerungsfoto mit den Seminarleitern Reinaldo Rueda und Peter Schreiner
All participants received a certificate after the seminars, as well as a souvenir photo with the seminar presenters Reinaldo Rueda and Peter Schreiner
Seminarteilnehmer waren sehr konzentriert
Seminarteilnehmer waren sehr konzentriert
Abendessen mit Gonzalo in einem Fischrestaurant
Dinner with Gonzalo in a fish restaurant
Verabschiedung am Flughafen in Santiago de Chile durch den Rektor der INAF Martin Mihavilovic und seinem Vertreter Gonzalo de la Carrera
Goodbye at the airport in Santiago de Chile by Martin the Rector of INAF Martin Mihavilovic and his representative Gonzalo de la Carrera

Demonstration groups and coaches

Vorführgruppe in Concepcion
Demonstration group in Concepcion
Vorführgruppe in Santiago de Chile
Demonstration group in Santiago de Chile
Vorführgruppe in Antofagasta
Demonstration group in Antofagasta

Photos from the practical demonstrations:

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