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Report AEFCA Symposium in Warsaw – 1st Speaker Peter Schreiner

On October 12, 2019, the 40th AEFCA (European Trainers Association) Symposium started in Warsaw. First presenter was Peter Schreiner.
Topic: “Individual training for strikers”, analysis of 1500 goals of top scorers in Europe and consequences for effective individual training. This presentation was very well received and Peter Schreiner got invitations to six countries to present his ideas of scoring goals.

Alan Pardew and Peter Schreiner – Speakers on first day

Interesting Results form 1500 goals of some top goal getters of Europe

Peter Schreiner used easy Sports-Graphics to illustrate his exercises.

On the evening of the first day a city tour and the European Championship qualifier Poland against Macedonia 2-0 (0-0) were on the program.

All presentations were translated simultaneously: Polish – English – German

A summary of the presentation by Peter Schreiner

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