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Soccer Drill for Strikers – Avoid Offside!

There are some strikers who struggle with timing and perception when their own team is attacking. We are talking about that short essential moment, just before the decisive pass through a gap of the opposing teams defense.

Instead of sprinting directly towards the goal, which often leads to offside, it is better to make eye contact with the passing player and run in an arc, looking for the right moment to then sprint into open space.

This easy to organize soccer drill helps your players to do just that and it is suitable for U-12 to U-19 players!

Drill for Strikers


4 players, 2 mannequins (distance 1-2m), 2 cones (distance 10-12m), 1 soccer ball


  1. A passes to B, who sprints through the gap of the mannequins towards A
  2. B drops the ball on A and runs around a mannequin in the arch (looking to A)
  3. A controls the ball
  4. A passes into the run of B, who is careful at the offside line (arc running) and sprints at the right moment the ball.
  5. B passes to D.

Drill from left to right

Avoid Offside


  1. D passes to C, who sprints through the gap of the mannequins towards D
  2. C drops the ball on Dand runs around a mannequin (looking to D)
  3. D controls the ball
  4. D passes into the run of C, who is careful at the offside line (arc running) and sprints at the right moment the ball.
  5. C passes to A.
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