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Seminar 1: Total voetbal – One touch – Tiqui Taca


Playing soccer considering space, speed and the ball

Presenter: Peter Hyballa
Director: Peter Schreiner
Translator: Hardy Fuchs
Speaker: Stephen Crilley
Duration: about 67 Minutes

Do You know that “Tiqui Taca” (Tiki Taka) originally came from England to Netherland? Then it moved from Netherland to Spain and now Pep Guardiola brought it to Bayern Munich!

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Soccer Training: Building blocks in practices centering on passing

Topics of this seminar:

  1. Three variations on the theme of ground pass: Total voetbal – One touch – Tiqui Taca
  2. Historical background
  3. Differences and similarities within the variations of ground passes
  4. Methodoly in teaching these various training modes
  5. The ground-pass in competitive circumstances
  6. The ground-pass in practice-sessions
  7. Three perspectives from the coach’s point of view: Space -Tempo -the Ball
  8. Mapping a pass from goal to goal
  9. Ground passes as they are played by players in various positions
  10. Similarities with Total voetbal -One touch – Tiqui Taca
  11. Differences – Totaal voetbal – One Touch – Tiqui Taca
  12. Different ways of coaching within the various practice modes
  13. Building blocks in practices centering on passing
  14. Passing in competitive game situations
  15. From passing games to shooting from passing
  16. Ground passes in game situations – How to execute depending on the position.
  17. Passing in competitive situations and under great pressure
  18. How to coach within certain training modes
  19. Coaching – Key observations
  20. Why the ground-pass?
  21. Advantages of the ground pass
  22. Disadvantages of the ground pass
  23. Tips for Coaching
  24. The wall-pass: To beat a player with the give-and-go pass
  25. The ground pass in soccer education (1) -U6-8 : The ball is at the center
  26. The ground pass in soccer education (2) – U9-14: The ball is the means
  27. The ground-pass in soccer education (3) – U15-19: The Game is the Objective and the Means
  28. The ground pass in soccer education (4) – Amateurs/Professionals: The victory is the goal.

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