Participants, organizers, speakers, translator and presentation group
At the invitation of the Brazilian Football Association, Peter Schreiner was presenter for one day at the A-license course in Rio de Janeiro. The 16-day course took place in the training centre of the CBF (Conferderacao Brasileira de Futbol), the Brazilian football association. Two days before, a training and performance test of the Brazilian national team took place in the ultra-modern Centro de Excelencia.
The opening ceremony was also attended by representatives of FIFA, Chile and Paraguay. The management of the A-license course is in the hands of Mauricio Marques (Coordenador CBF Academy) and Henrique Daimond (CBF Academy organization).
On 31st of May 2018 Peter Schreiner presented two theory and two practical units. He was translated by Mariana Lopes, who studied in Germany.
It was about offensive football and especially to create scoring opportunities and use them. In the 2 field sessions, Peter Schreiner showed warm-up exercises, exercises and game forms as well as header and goal-shot competitions, which were very well respected by the 55 Brazilian coaches.
Here the entrance control of the training centre Brazilian Football Associationv.l.: Joao Camargo (Organisation CBF Academy), Mauricio Marques (Coordenador CBF Academy), Peter Schreiner (Referent), Israel Teoldo (Referent), Henrique Daimond (Organisation CBF Academy).v.l.: Joao Camargo (Organisation CBF Academy), Mauricio Marques (Coordenador CBF Academy), Peter Schreiner (Referent), Israel Teoldo (Referent), Henrique Daimond (Organisation CBF Academy).Peter Schreiner during his lecture on the subject of “Creating scoring chances, using gaps in the defense lines and combination play”In bright sunshine and pleasant temperatures (winter in Brazil) Peter Schreiner led the practice on the main square of the Brazilian national team with a U19 from Rio. He was perfectly translated by Mariana Lopes.
Peter Schreiner here with Moraci Sant’anna fitness coach of the Brazilian national team at the World Championships (1982, 1986, 1994 and 2006).Peter Schreiner here with representatives of FIFA, Daniel BanalesHenrique Daimond and Peter Schreiner here in the press room of the training centre of the CBF.
Henrique Daimond and Peter Schreiner here in the press room of the training centre of the CBF.
Israel Teoldo, Presenter on the topic “Tactical Periodization”