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Soccer Passing Drills – Warm-Up and Passing in the Triangle

Succesful Teams like Bayern Munich, FC Barcelona or Manchester City are immensely precise in passing to create goal-scoring chances through gap passes. Passing should be an inherent part of every training routine. It builds the foundation for success, no matter if the team favours own ball possession or lays its focus on counterattacks. Especially the play with both feet is of high priority and this holds true from the beginning.

Warm-Up in the Square

Warm-Up in the Square

Set Up

12 to 16 players, 4 cones, square 15 x 15 meters (depending on the level of the exercising players).


Half of the players run around the square anticlockwise, the other half dribbles within the square.The outside players offer for an one-two combination with one of the inside players. After a pass, the players continue running and again, make eye contact with another player within the square.

Tips and Hints

  • Eye contact beyond the dribbling, save ball control (body posture)
  • Avoid collisions (ball- and body contacts)
  • After one minute change of tasks, deposit balls in space

Passing in the Triangle

Passing in the Triangle

Set Up

6 players, 3 cones, distance between cones about 10 meters, freely combine in space (depending on the level of the exercising players).


A and B face each other diagonally, A dribbles and passes to B, who positions openly. B passes to C, who again deposits to B. C runs around his cone and receives the ball from B (eye contact). C receives the ball and dribbles back to the starting point in high speed.

Tips and Hints

  • Perform exercise over the left and right side
  • Quick passing • Keep eye contact among each other
  • Clear technical execution (body posture)
  • Pass the ball into the correct foot (both feet)
  • Players shall position openly, be light-footed (deep in the legs with tension)
  • C must be able to receive the ball out of movement, therefore play the ball into the forerun
  • Position changes (passing lane equals running path)

Endless Passing

Endless Passing

Set Up

10 to 12 players, 8 cones, Rectangle 20 x 12 meters free in space.


A and E simultaneously start with a pass to B and F and immediately offer sidewards. B and F directly play to C and G, who deposit to A and E. A and E pass the ball to D and H. It follows a wall-play from C and D as well as G and H. All players move on one position.

Tips and Hints

  • The players should be moving as much as possible (approaching the ball and offering)
  • Quick position changes
  • Eye contact among each other
  • Clear technical execution
  • Pass the ball into the correct foot (both feet)
  • Players shall position openly and be light-footed (deep in the legs with tension)

eBook – Fundamental Attacking Strategies

Learn how to efficiently open and use space against deeply defending opponents! With detailed solutions for the build-up, training exercises for all skill levels and emphasis on the right coaching.

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Peter Schreiner Speaker at the congress in Nitra (Slovakia)