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Derbystar Soccer Coaches Congress 2017

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23.-25. June 2017
Where: Sportschule Duisburg-Wedau (Germany)
Language: Special Group in Englisch + Speakers in German

The Institute for Youth Football Germany will organize the Derbystar Soccer Coaches Congress (23rd to 25th of 2017) in “Sportschule Duisburg-Wedau”. Top-Speaker will present interesting content on their special topics in theory and practice. There will be a special English group led by internationally recognized speakers.

More information here

Wellknown Speakers in English:

Wayne Harrison (California) and Athanasios Terzis (Tactics Expert)

03 English

Athanasios Terzis

  1. Creating and exploiting space with the 3-5-2 formation (classroom session)
  2. Negative transition – quickly regaining possession with the 4-2-3-1 formation vs 4-4-2 (classroom session)
  3. Defending with the 4-4-2 formation, an Atletico Madrid case of study (classroom session)

Wayne Harrison

  1. Soccer Awareness (1) – The One Touch Mentality (classroom session)
  2. Soccer Awareness (2) – The One Touch Mentality (field session 1)
  3. Soccer Awareness (3) – The One Touch Mentality (field session 2)

More information here

Price 199,00 €

Including: Congress, Lunch on Saturday, Certificate

Presenters in German:

Peter Hyballa (NEC Nijmegen), Matthias Nowak (Bayern Munich), Steven Turek (Hannover 96), Prof. Dr.Dr. Lochmann (Funino), Ralf Jaser (Speedclub).
Goalkeeping: Thomas Schlieck (B. Dortmund), Marco Knoop (B. Dortmund), Christian Lasch (F. Düsseldorf)


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