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3 fantastic Drills – Rondos and Positional Games

The following drills will improve the transition play and decision making capabilities of your players. They are taken from the new eBook “Rondos and Positional Games for Coaching of Tactical Principles by coaches Levent Sürme and Marting Weng!

eBook – Rondos and Positional Games

Design a motivating perception and decision-making training with 50 rondos!

  • Orientation & perception
  • anticipation & reaction
  • optimal decisions
  • precise execution

5v2 – Counterattack with three options

Sometimes it is also worthwhile to take a detour via a backpass to enable better pass angles for a counterattack. If a counterattack makes no sense, the last alternative is possession of the ball.

With the focus on offensive transition, there must always be the opportunity to play into the depth through a narrow corridor. This is the shortest way to the opposing goal. Outplaying the counterpressing also means to demand a pass dynamically along the neighboring corridor. From there it is possible to continue playing deeply.

Rondo Drill - 5v2 – Counterattack with three options


Mark two fields as shown and set up 2 mini-goals.

  • Red plays in possession of the ball a 5v2 against blue.
  • Red plays 10 consecutive passes = 1 point.
  • If blue wins the ball, there are three options to score:
    A) Attack the countergoal by one of the two pressing players = 2 points.
    B) Attack the countergoal over the pass demanding outer player (switching corridor) = 3 points.
    C) Secure possession of the ball by switching fields and play 10 consecutive passes = 1 point.
  • Blue counterpress after losing the ball


After 10 passes, the team in possession can score a goal on the other side.

5v5 + 4 – Combine & counter a space limiting pressing strategy

Training of decision making with the aim of combining vertically along a narrow field or using
diagonal forward passes to break opponent´s pressing. After a diagonal forward pass, the attack
must continue with 1-2 touches and maximum speed. This means, that the defending team has
no chance to setup his defense again. Passes to half spaces and to the strikers are trained.

Rondo - 5v5 + 4 – Combine & counter a space limiting pressing strategy


  • Mark a field with a vertical line in the middle as shown and set up 4 mini-goals.
  • Red plays against blue in the field.
  • The four neutrals position themselves in the marked zones.
  • First, there must be a pass to the neutral player. This results the playing direction to score.
  • The neutrals may be attacked and can also dribble in. But it is not allowed to demand for a pass out of his zone.
  • To switch the ball to the other half of the field is allowed only one time.
  • 1 point:
    1) Pass to the target player (neutral player; half space) if the playing direction is clear.
    2) Pass one of the mini-goals (center forward) on the right side if the playing direction is clear.
  • Scoring after maximum 3 passes: 5 points.
  • If blue wins the ball, the task is changed immediately.
  • Due to the different scoring possibilities, the defending team has to decide


After switching field, limit touches. One player free touches, the other teammates only 1-2

4v4 + 3 – Getting behind the last defensive line by supporting

A signal is given to the remaining players when the striker gets a forward pass in front of the
opponent defense. Either run forward behind the last defending line to receive the ball or
demand for a lay off pass. Accordingly, the area is only narrowed further in depth.

Field is sepperated into “Field B (Top, Middle and Field A (Bottom)


  • Mark two fields with a central zone as shown.
  • Red plays with the white neutrals against blue for possession.
  • Both lines of the central zone are offside lines of the respective field. Doesn´t apply for the neutrals.
  • A player must receive a pass in the central zone or in the opposite field (A/B) but can´t enter the zone/field before a pass is made.
  • The neutral in the central zone has 3 options:
    1. Lay off pass (Field A/B).
    2. Pass to a forward running player in the central zone.
    3. Pass into the path of a forward running player in field A/B.
  • The neutrals out of field A and B may only get 2 passes.
  • Switch the field by passing or dribbling.
  • If blue wins the ball, change of task immediately.
  • Every successful switch of field = 1 point.
  • After switching field, all players move up to the other field. Only when all players have
    moved up it is allowed to switch back again.


  • Time specification for switching the field, after a pass to the neutral player out of the field A/B.
  • One player of the defending team is allowed to move in the central zone or the opposite field A/B.

eBook – Rondos and Positional Games

Design a motivating perception and decision-making training with 50 rondos!

  • Orientation & perception
  • anticipation & reaction
  • optimal decisions
  • precise execution

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