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3 Soccer Shooting Drills – Beat the Goalkeeper 1vs1

In his latest book ‘1vs1 Against the Goalkeeper‘ world-renowned soccer coach instructor Peter Schreiner goes all in on how to beat the goalkeeper in 1v1 situations. In this article, he shows you three shooting drills from his book that will help your players to improve this crucial skill!

1v1 against the Goalkeeper

The 4 Ways to Beat the Goalkeeper!

  • 37 detailed training drills with specific coaching points for practical learning.
  • Analytical breakdowns of game scenes to identify and fix strikers’ mistakes.
  • Essential skills development for both individual players and teams

Shooting Drill under Opponent Presure

Shooting Drill under Opponent Presure

Set up the starting cones for the strikers and their pursuers as shown. The attacking players are 2-3m behind the strikers. The mannequins and mini goalposts symbolize the goalkeeper’s area of action. Target zones are marked in the goal with mannequins or mini goals.

  • The strikers take turns starting from the left, center, and right towards the goal. The first striker (from the left) starts with the ball towards the mannequin.
  • At the first ball touch, the trailing player starts to put pressure on the striker.
  • Before entering the goalkeeper’s area of action, the striker takes a short lateral pass and shoots low and powerfully into the far corner.
  • Shortly after, the center striker starts, followed by the striker on the right side. The players move to the next station.

In this video we have implemented a goalkeeper instead of the mannequins.

Shooting Drill After a Pass with Pressure from Behind

Shooting Drill After a Pass with Pressure from Behind

Three starting cones for the strikers (B) and the feeders (A) should be placed 18-20 meters in front of the goal. The distances should be adjusted based on the age and abilities of the players. One goalkeeper is in the goal, and if possible, have a substitute goalkeeper ready.

  • The first player from Group A passes the ball into the space in front of the first striker (B).
  • The striker (B) starts towards the ball and tries to dribble towards the goal as quickly as possible.
  • Player A (from Group A) puts pressure on B by sprinting around the cone and chasing B.
  • The goalkeeper comes out of the goal and tries to prevent the shot.
  • The striker (B) must decide, depending on their position, the goalkeeper’s positioning, and the defender’s behavior, whether they can still dribble past the goalkeeper or take a precise and powerful shot before that.

Coaching Points

  • If A gets too close, it would be advantageous for the striker to cross his running path in time.
  • The striker should by no means dribble too close to the goalkeeper or allow himself to be pushed away from the goal.
  • After bypassing the goalkeeper, keep in mind the trailing defender when taking the shot – aim powerfully towards the center of the goal.

Shooting Drill after a ‘through-, drop-, and through-pass’ sequence

Shooting Drill after a ‘through-, drop-, and through-pass’ sequence

Set up two mannequins on both sides as shown, with both strikers at the deeper mannequin and the wall players at the front mannequin, who will play the final through pass into the depth. Place the passers with balls in the starting goals, and have one goalkeeper in the goal.

  • A plays a through pass to C, who has moved to the ball’s height from the mannequin.
  • C lets the ball bounce to B, who has made a run behind the mannequin.
  • B plays a through pass to C in stride, who turns and curves around the mannequin.
  • C takes the ball with the first touch towards the goalkeeper and attempts to beat the goalkeeper in a 1v1 or shoots precisely into the far corner or high into the near corner in time.
  • C retrieves the ball, and everyone else rotates one position further.
  • Repeat the sequence on the other side.

Coaching Points

  • First-touch ball control and taking it towards the goal are crucial.
  • Precision in shooting past the goalkeeper is essential.

1v1 against the Goalkeeper

The 4 Ways to Beat the Goalkeeper!

  • 37 detailed training drills with specific coaching points for practical learning.
  • Analytical breakdowns of game scenes to identify and fix strikers’ mistakes.
  • Essential skills development for both individual players and teams

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