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Symposium European Coaches Association AEFCA in Antalya 2013

Coaching – Stay in the Lead to Master the Future

Marion Becker and Peter Schreiner (easy Sports-Software) took part at the  international Symposium of the AEFCA (01.-05. December 2013 in Antalya). Main Point was the election of Walter Gagg (FIFA, adviser of Joseph S. Blatter) as President of the AEFCA, the European Coaches Association.

Peter Schreiner auf dem AEFCA Symposium 2013

From left.: Karlheinz Raviol (CEO AEFCA), Horst Zingraf (President BDFL und former 1. Vize-Präsident AEFCA), Walter Gagg (Fifa and new president of AEFCA) Lutz Hangartner (Vice-President BDFL) Peter Schreiner (easy Sports-Software und Institute for Youth Soccer).

Topics of the Symposium:

  1. Top Football before the World Cup 2014 (Gérard Houllier, Global Sporting Director RB Soccer,FIFA Technical Study Group)
  2. Coach the Coach (Werner Mickler, Sportpsychologist)
  3. The Southhampton Way – The Promise of Youth (Martin Hunter, Head Coach U21, Southhampton FC)
  4. Setting game from defense and finalizing the attack (Antalyaspor)
  5. Role of Fitness components planning in improving youth players performance (Dr. Alper Asci)
  6. Evolution of Young Football Players (Abdullah Ercan)
  7. Leadership as Coach (Özkan Sümer)
  8. Performance Analyzing using State of the Art IT Solutions (Christian Holzer, Impire AG)
  9. Match-Fixing – Where do we stand today?  (Karl Dhont, UEFA-Disziplinarinspektor)

The new president of the European Soccer Coaches Association (AEFCA)  – Walter Gagg

Walter Gagg (FIFA Adviser and President of AEFCA)

 Frankie Jensen, Albert Ellefsen (Faroe Islands) and Peter Schreiner (Germany)
Frankie Jensen, Albert Ellefsen (Faroe Islands) and Peter Schreiner (Germany)
Walter Gagg, Gerard Houllier, Jürgen Pforr and Horst Zingraf
Walter Gagg, Gerard Houllier, Jürgen Pforr and Horst Zingraf
Gerard Marsman, Wim Adolfsen (VVON) , Petra Balster, Peter Schreiner
Gerard Marsman, Wim Adolfsen (VVON) , Petra Balster, Peter Schreiner
Li Feiyu (Technischer Direktor Chinesischer Fußballverband) and Peter Schreiner
Li Feiyu (Technischer Direktor Chinesischer Fußballverband) and Peter Schreiner
P. Schreiner informiert Trainer und Delegierte über Fußball-Software und Fußball-DVDs
P. Schreiner informs Coaches and Delegates about Soccer-Software and Soccer-DVDs
Coaches were very impressed and asked a lot of questions
Coaches were very impressed and asked a lot of questions
Dr. M. Becker-Richter andP. Schreiner - Founder of easy Sports-Software
Dr. M. Becker-Richter andP. Schreiner – Founder of easy Sports-Software
Teddy Moen (CEO Norwegean Soccer Association) and  Peter Schreiner
Teddy Moen (CEO Norwegean Soccer Association) and Peter Schreiner
Marian-Cucchiaroni Mihail (Techn. Director Rumänien), Philipp Müller (USFT President) and Peter Schreiner
Marian-Cucchiaroni Mihail (Techn. Director Rumänien), Philipp Müller (USFT President) and Peter Schreiner
Karlheiz Raviol (BDFL/AEFCA) and Horst Zingraf (former 1. Vice-President AEFCA) - Meeting before Congress
Karlheiz Raviol (BDFL/AEFCA) and Horst Zingraf (former 1. Vice-President AEFCA) – Meeting before Congress
More than 150 Deligates and Coaches at the 34. AEFCA Symposium 2013
More than 150 Deligates and Coaches at the 34. AEFCA Symposium 2013
Speakers cabines for translater (German, Turkisch, English, Spanish, French)
Speakers cabines for translater (German, Turkisch, English, Spanish, French)
Exhibition - 50 Years Türkisch Soccer Associaltion
Exhibition – 50 Years Türkisch Soccer Associaltion
Results of the Election - President of the AEFCA 2014-2016
Results of the Election – President of the AEFCA 2014-2016

Former  1. Vize-President of the AEFCA – Horst Zingraf

Former  1. Vize-President of the AEFCA - Horst Zinngraf

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