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Tiki Taka (Tiqui Taca), One Touch Soccer, Total Football – Soccer Training-Coaching-Analysis

DVD Seminar Series: “The Philosophy of the Ground Pass”.

PresenterPeter Hyballa
Director: Peter Schreiner
Translator: Hardy Fuchs
Speaker: Stephen Crilley
Duration (4 seminars): 230 minutes

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Tiki Taka, One Touch Soccer, Total Football
Tiki Taka, One Touch Soccer, Total Football

Seminar 1:
Introduction – Philosophy of the Ground Pass (1) – Playing with space – speed and ball

Seminar 2:
Philosophy of the Ground Pass (2) – Totaal Voetbal – Playing with the space

Seminar 3:
Philosophy of the Ground Pass (3) – One Touch – Playing with speed

Seminar 4:
Philosophy of the Ground Pass (4) – Tiqui Taca (Tiki Taka) – Playing with the ball

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