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UFTS Soccer Congress in Slovakia – Peter Schreiner and Steven Turek present in front of 130 Coaches

On the 9th of October Peter Schreiner and Steven Turek were invited as presenters to the anual coaching congress UFTS (Slovakian Coaching Association). Over 130 coaches, came to Dunajská Streda to watch presentations in the Stadium of the first division Team FC DAC.

The event was perfectly organized by Dr. Ladislav Borbely (Organiser), Andi Singer (Translator) and Dr. Sivek (Vicepresident AEFCA).

Prior to the congress the participants had the chance to watch the international game Slovakia agains Malta (3:0). The perfect meet and greet with well known coaches from Slovakia.

Theory and Practice:

  • Peter Schreiner: “The Gap Pass” – with the U19 FC DAC
  • Steven Turek: “Attacking against low block teams”  – with the pro team of FC DAC (1. League)

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Impressions of the Congress

Dr. Ladislav Borbély, President UFTS (Slovak Trainer Union), Peter Schreiner, Anton Dragúň, ehemalige President von UFTS, ehemalige Trainer von Slovan Bratislava, Banska Bystrica, Co-Trainer der slowakischen Nationalmannschaft, Dr. Tibor Végh, President von DAC Dunajská Streda, Karol Pecze, ehemalige Trainer von Dunajska Streda, Trnava, Slovan Bratislava, Žilina, in Ungarn Gyór, in Polen, in der Türkei und Griechenland.
Dr. Ladislav Borbély, President UFTS (Slovak Trainer Union), Peter Schreiner, Anton Dragúň, former President from UFTS, former coach of Slovan Bratislava, Banska Bystrica, Co-Coach of the Slovakian National Team, Dr. Tibor Végh, President of DAC Dunajská Streda, Karol Pecze, former coach of Dunajska Streda, Trnava, Slovan Bratislava, Žilina, in Hungary Gyór, in Polen, in Turkey and Greece







Steven Turek held and excellent presentation with theory and practice sessions:

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Turek Praxis

Talks during the congress

10 11 13


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