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Passing Drill – Pass the Ball Successfully Into the Open Space

The right timing between players often decides wether a play can be succesfull or not, especially when attacking. To learn this, it is necessary that players develop a sense for running speed, optimal pass strength, good communication between each other and understanding running paths. The following passing drill is perfect to train these aspects!

Passing Drill – Endless Form Direct Play-8

In this endless form for 7 to 9 players, it’s especially about good timing from passer A to receiver B. Good communication (eye contact) is necessary for this, so that the receiver can pass the ball directly to player C while sprinting.

Quick position changes and precise passes are important for the endless form to proceed without pauses. This passing exercise is very suitable as a warm-up.

Passing Drill - Pass the Ball Successfully Into the Open Space


  1. Pass from A to B into space
  2. B direct play to C
  3. C dribbles to the start
  4. B runs to C

Direct Play-8 – Phase 2:

Passing Drill - Pass the Ball Successfully Into the Open Space


  1. Pass from D to A into space
  2. A direct play to E
  3. E dribbles to the start
  4. A runs to C

Pressing – Games

35 effective drills from Steven Turek focused on pressing and counter-pressing, inspired by successful teams like FC Barcelona, FC Liverpool, and those coached by Mourinho and Simeone.

  • Straightforward coaching tips and game principles, aiming to enhance players’ skills in high-intensity play
  • 64 Pages, 35 Practices, Level: U11-PRO

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