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Pressing application with the 4-2-3-1 formation – Klopp’s Borussia Dortmund case study

This presentation provides an analysis of how pressing can be applied with the 4-2-3-1 formation. Which are the steps that should be followed and which are the aims during pressing application in order to create the ideal pressing situation.

Additionally, there will be analysis of how ultra-offensive pressing can be carried out as well as how to switch from passive defending to pressing at the right moment.

First step for applying pressing is creating a strong side


Second step is applying pressure on the ball while at the same time applying double marking, closely marking of the players near the ball zone and creating numbers up near the ball zone



Watch the whole presentation “Pressing 4-2-3-1 (Jürgen Klopp Case Study)”

This presentation was part of a seminar given by Athanasios Terzis at the Derbystar Youth-Soccer Congress, to watch the whole seminar just go to our webshop!
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Soccer videos: Coaching the 4-3-3