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Endless passing drill with finishing

Precise Passing – Perfect Combination Play (Willy Kaspers)

12 to 16 players, 6 cones, rectangle: Half-line to penalty box or free in space (depending on the level of the exercising players), 2 goalkeeper.

A and B diagonally face each other. A and B perform a wall-play. Subsequently, A plays the ball to C and takes over the position of B. C deposits the ball to B, who directly finishes on the goal (no receiving). B takes over the position of C, who gets the ball. The same combination is performed from D, E and F.

Tips and Hints

  • Eye contact among each other
  • Precise technical execution
  • Pass the ball into the correct foot (both feet)

This drill is taken from the eBook:
Precise Passing – Perfect Combination Play

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