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Counterattacking- The Key to Success – Webinar

In this Webinar Steven Turek shows all the different aspects on how to successfully analyze, implement and train Counterattacks into your philosophy. Most recently FC Liverpool brought Counter Attacking to perfection. But all teams in history that had success on a great scale were able to capitalize on the moment you win the ball the most. Enter this webinar to learn the secrets on how top teams deal successfully with situations when winning the ball.

CounterAttack WebinarWhen: 30th April 2020 at 7:30 PM (CET)
Where: Digital meeting via Zoom
Speaker: Steven Turek
Language: English
Duration: 1-hour webinar and a Q&A session afterwards

All participants will get a handout of the presentation and a replay of the complete webinar, afterwards.

The webinar is divided into three main topics:

  • Game Theory: How to understand the groundwork to analyze and understand the tactics around Counterattack
  • Tactics & Game Solutions: The actual execution on how to play Counterattacks successfully – including principles, details and error patterns
  • Exercises: The main component on how to implement Counterattacking into your daily training. With lots of drills, ideas on how to vary them and change them up according to the level of the players.

During the webinar Steven uses and analyzes actual game footage from top level football clubs and games. To further deepen your understanding of counterattacking, animations and illustrations will also be part of the presentation.

The Webinar will be streamed via ZOOM on the 30th April 2020 at 7:30 PM (CET).

With your purchase you get access to the 1-hour webinar and a Q&A session afterwards. After your purchase you get a link to the webinar page where you can register with your Name and eMail address

About Steven TurekSteven Turek

  • UEFA – A license
  • Coach in a Youth-Academy of a Bundesliga Club
  • Former DFB and Amateur Coach
  • Author of numerous Books on technical / tactical topics, as well as various theoretical and practical DVDs and seminars
  • Author in National and International Coaches Magazines (among others football training (German), TrainersMagazine (Netherlands), mrfootball (Greece) & Analysis of the DFB for the EURO 2016
  • Numerous Coaching Courses, Lectures and Workshops, as well as meetings of the Bund Deutscher Fußballlehrer (BDFL)
  • International Coaching Courses in Dubai, China, Italy, Belgium, Slovakia and Bulgaria
  • Master Degree in Sports – Master of “Sports, Health & Performance” at Hildesheim University
  • Further information is available at
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